Personal Lexicon Helps You Learn Almost Any Language…
With Personal Lexicon you’ll be able to create a lexicon specifically geared towards the language you’re learning. From there you’ll add lexical items (words, phrases, or expressions) with corresponding translations and language specific lexical types (nouns, verbs, etc). You can then add other important details like synonyms, antonyms, and conjugation forms to name just a few. After that take quizzes, track your progress, share with others, and more.
Click on a Feature Set Below to See Details or Watch the Video Overview.
- Create a lexicon for the purpose of learning almost any language.
- Define your own lexical types (i.e. nouns, verbs, particles, expressions, etc.) or use 1 of 5 predefined language templates (English, French, Portuguese, German, or Spanish).
- Define genders or classes for a particular lexical type.
- Create lexical items (i.e. words, phrases, or expressions), assigning each one a lexical type and one of more translations.
- Add personal examples that show how to use the lexical item in context.
- Virtual keyboards make it easy to type almost any international character with the push of a button.
- Organize lexical items into themes and sub-themes so that you can study related vocabulary together in order to improve memory retention.
- Print lexical items by theme so that you can study away from the computer. Include only the information you want to have on the printout.
- View all items that aren’t assigned to any theme and move them into one with a simple drag and drop.
- Include a variety of optional data with each lexical item like pronunciation, gender, root, conjugation forms, synonyms, antonyms, or general comments.
- Link phonetically similar or related items together.
- Jump to any item that has a relationship to the one you’re viewing with a single click.
- Create different types of tests and quizzes from selected themes or lexical items. Test types include simple translation tests, multiple-choice tests, synonym/antonym tests, and example usage tests.
- Generate a test when you want to be able to take it multiple times and gauge your progress.
- Use pop quizzes for quick practice on the fly.
- Only include particular lexical types when building test questions or indicate that you only want the most recently entered lexical items.
- Configure your test or pop quiz according to your desired level of difficulty.
- Have the program give you hints when you can’t quite remember the answer or make the test timed to really verify your mastery of the vocabulary.
- Print tests with or without answer keys.
- Import or export an entire lexicon to a file.
- Import or export a list of lexical items so that you can share particular data with other students.
- Choose to ignore or overwrite lexical items that already exist in your lexicon. When importing, none of your existing data is altered in any way without prompting you first.
- Review all lexical items that you’ve just import and remove any that you don’t want.
- Automatically track each lexical item’s difficulty rating so that you can focus on the ones that are giving you the most trouble.
- Track which personal examples have been verified by your teacher as grammatically correct.
- Assign a user-defined region to lexical item translations when they mean something specific in a particular country or geographical area.
- Mark a lexical item as inactive once you’ve mastered it or when you’re not sure you have the right translation.
- Use the quick text search to find lexical items based on item text or translation.
- Use advanced search capabilities to find a group of items that shared certain characteristics (ex. verbs that do not have any conjugations for a particular tense).
The best way to learn about all the features is to download it and try it out yourself!